Taichi is an internal martial arts that teaches defense training and promotes health benefits. As a form of exercise, Taichi can help to improve your coordination, flexibility, increase endurance strength, and strengthen your muscles and joints. Taichi helps in the rehab therapy and recovery journey for many sickness. We have several students with high blood pressure, arthritis, cancer, depression, Parkinson's disease, and heart problems on our program.


Push Hand training can help students to develop listening power, reflex action, coordination skills, and learn to leverage and redirect force. In return, helps them to refine their routine moves further.

Students will learn the correct shifting of weight to achieve stability of stances and footwork (虚实分明). They will also learn how to listen and feel opponent’s strength, how to leverage and deflect the force away (化与打).  At the more advance level, students will learn the application of power to the opponent during contact at close range (发劲).

Students are reminded, while Push Hand training offers self-defence abilities, it is however NOT about winning, fighting back or retreating from your opponent. It is to experience the softness (柔) and martial aspect(刚)aspect of Taichi. One should always be humble and respectful towards each other during training, and not be aggressive towards your training partner.

This course is not opened to public, or new students. It is offered to students whom have completed 2 years of our Beginners course.