Traditional discipleship ceremony (传统拜师)
This is the most important event of the School.
Traditional Discipleship is a formal ceremony to acknowledge the Teacher, and the acceptance of a student as a disciple. This is practiced to honour the Teacher and respect His Teachings (尊师重道), to remember our lineage and roots (饮水思源), to allow clearer understanding of each other’s roles and responsibilities, to understand the mission of the school, to promote the art and carry on the Teacher's work.
Formal disciples are more ready to commit their time in learning, exploring the art in-depth, and appreciate the advance level of Taichi training. Students whom wish to take part in this ceremony can notify the school of their intention. Acceptance is at the Teacher's discretion.
Discipleship ceremony is usually conducted every two years. For students whom wish to request for a private event outside the scheduled timing, kindly discuss with the school on the procedures. The event will be witnessed by the Sifu's wife (师母), internal disciples (入室弟子), family members, and other invited members of the school:
1. Sifu and all to honor and pay respect our Wu-Taichi Grand Masters (敬拜祖师)
2. The senior disciples will brief all on the meaning and rules of discipleship
3. Student kneel to present their intention to be a disciple (跪献拜师帖)
4. Sifu shall receive and announce his acceptance
4. Student to serve tea and present a token or gift (敬茶献礼)
5. Once the new disciples(s) complete their tea ceremony, they should also formally show their respect and acknowledge their seniors
6. Proceed to the signing of certificates and group photography (签证合影)
7. The ceremony will end with a group family lunch or dinner, to be arranged and hosted by the newly accepted disciples
As a family, we learn and grow together. We have centralised training for our internal disciples to explore the art in greater details, as well as to share with each other, challenges and learning experiences.